The best thing about being a senior is that I can relax without being forced to join activities compared to when I am in part 1. That is pretty much it. I don't agree to the fact by being a senior I can bully my junior freely whenever I wanted to. A junior is also a human being who have feelings and have the right to be respect. Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said that we need to respect each other regardless of age.
Being a senior to me only means to give guidance to my junior such as guidance for academic purposes and guidance on how to be a good human being, I'm not saying that I am a good guy, but through experience I think I can manage to give advice and knowledge. This doesn't mean that a junior cannot advice his or her senior. As a Muslim, we should look after each other and gives advice to each other whenever necessary. I believe that if we all follow the concept of ukhwah (brotherhood), we all can manage to live peacefully in a community. By achieving this goal, our college might be a safer and a healthy environment to be in if there is no more hatred among us.
I think that is all from me for now. Thank you for your time.